Historical References Book II Cycle Deirdre d' Armorica: Deirdres Oath

Historical References Book II Cycle Deirdre d' Armorica: Deirdres Oath
Historical References Book II Cycle Deirdre d' Armorica: Deirdres Oath

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492 AD: Deirdre’s Oath

Red Deirdre is now a well-known outlaw feared throughout Gaul, pursued as much by barbarian kings as by the leaders of her own people. Together with her companion and her four-legged friends, the rebellious young elf has acquired confidence, perhaps too much: together with them she throws herself to conquer nothing less than the Burgundian crown... Only to discover that a magic sword and witch eyes may not be enough to face the king of the Goths. When the anger of King Alaric falls upon her, Deirdre sees herself struck once more in her dearest affections. It will be then that she raises her sword to the sky to take an oath that will mark the rest of her life, taking her further and further away, in search of her revenge... Far away, as far as Avalon.


To delve deeper into the themes and to have illustrations in which you can enter the environments, in the guise of that period or other aspects such as weapons, defenses, we invite you to copy and paste terms that we leave available to you on the internet. A point of reference in your research is Wikipedia. This container being a showcase to learn about the adventures and era of Deirdre D'Armorica.


A - Antica Vesontio


B - Vienna in the imperial age


C - Ricostruzione di Tolosa in the imperial age


D - Car di Burdegala at the end of the Middle Ages


E- The stone circle  stonehenge


F - Dumnonia e Avalon